Python -- Get started
Cpython Build On a 2019 Macbook Pro. MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.15 ./configure --with-pydebug bear -- make -j -s On a 2022 Macbook M1. I have some problem with openssl. So I follow this post ...
Cpython Build On a 2019 Macbook Pro. MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.15 ./configure --with-pydebug bear -- make -j -s On a 2022 Macbook M1. I have some problem with openssl. So I follow this post ...
botocore and aiobotocore are the two fundamental AWS Python SDK. Most people probably only interact with the higher level abstraction packages such as boto3 and aioboto3. How are different service...
openjdk is the starting point. However, IntelliJ fails to resolve symbols when open it directly. Actually, openjdk team provides some guidance on how to set up the repo in IntelliJ. See doc. bash ...
You may heard about Graal in Java community, but do not know how exactly it works. OK. I do not know either, and this post is about my learning about Java JIT compilers. For a long time, Java has ...
Recently, I was bite by a httpServer issue that the connection hangs at below os.write step. A quick google search tells me that it is probably the client does not close connection properly, so we ...
JEP 304: Garbage Collector Interface is a must read if you want to learn the internal mechanism of Java GC. ZGC ZGC has 24k lines of code, which seems readable :) $ cloc src/hotspot/share/gc/z/ ...
Recently, I was reading Kafka connect source code, and was trying to figure out how Kafka connect loads plugins provided by users. It turns out Kafka connect uses the standard ServiceLoader to load...
Process IPC (Interprocess communication) wait system call blocks a parent process until a child process terminates. If not called, the child process will be a zombie process. How could we avoid b...
CPython’s thread state has a profiler callback hook c_profilefunc. If this callback is set, then it will be called when a function enters and exits. See relevant code here. Node this callback is on...
Network tools Tcpdump Tcpdump, as said on its front page, has two products: tcpdump: command line tool libpcap: C library for network traffic capture. libpcap The document is very short....