Python -- Threading
I spent quite some time today debugging a seemingly trivial problem when working with Python ThreadPoolExecutor. The code is as follows. with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) a...
I spent quite some time today debugging a seemingly trivial problem when working with Python ThreadPoolExecutor. The code is as follows. with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) a...
Increase the disk size of StatefulSet PVC kubectl edit pvc <pvc-name> -n <namespace> kubectl delete statefulset --cascade=orphan <statefulset_name> -n <namespace> # Then yo...
I took a deep breath when starting this blog post. Lisp is such an arcane programming language. I am not sure I will benefit from it at all. However, since pgloader is written in CL, I think I shou...
iostat is a simple tool to monitor disk activity and latency. I ran it inside an AWS EC2 instance, and output is shown below. > iostat -d -x -m 1 Device r/s rMB/s rrqm/s %rrqm...
Postgres is wonderful piece of software! Set Up Postgres Postgres documents the progress of creating and starting a postgres database in detail. Basically, it provides initdb and postgres command...
Router, LAN, WAN, NAT Each router has a private ip address and a public ip address. Router will assign private ip address to the devices behind its local area network (LAN). Use a home LAN as an ...
It claims that k8s was originally being designed for non-persistent micorservice architecture.
Build Follow this guild to build golang from source. cd src && ./all.bash # If you do not want to run tests, then ./make.bash Also, remember to clear cache go clean --cache after rebui...
Network itself is a complicated subject. It becomes even tougher inside kubernetes. This doc is meant to introduce a lot of network concepts and components inside kubernetes. I highly recommend Ma...
We know that Opensearch was forked from Elasticsearch 7.10.2 by AWS after Elastic changed Elasticsearch license. Most concepts and APIs are the same between them, but there are still some gotchas. ...