Mysql binlog
Configurations Mysql binary log is rotated. The threshold is controlled by max_binlog_size option. AWS RDS uses a stored procedure to control the retention period of binary logs CALL mysql.rds_sho...
Configurations Mysql binary log is rotated. The threshold is controlled by max_binlog_size option. AWS RDS uses a stored procedure to control the retention period of binary logs CALL mysql.rds_sho...
File system: block vs sector Sector is the smallest unit a disk can read/write, so writing a sector is atomic. Sector size is usually 512 bytes. On the other hand, block size refers to the allocat...
Spinnaker different components port number table: link Pipeline I was very confused by the expression evaluation syntax used in UI in the beginning. Later on, I realized that it is just SpEL (Spr...
I thought igor may stands for “integration …” in spinnaker. Then I asked chatgpt. In Spinnaker, “Igor” does not stand for an acronym. Igor is the name given to the component responsible for man...
How to build ./gradlew build -x test
Features of datadog Unified service tagging Integration Autodiscovery integration It provides a lot of integrations for popular tools, applications to collect their metrics and logs. See doc...
Datadog agent has many components. First, a datadog agent should run in the host. Then a datadog client send data to this agent in the code. datadog: datadog agent client. It deals with connect...
A good material to checkout for kafka Concepts: isr: An in-sync replica (ISR) is a broker that has the latest data...
Source code Kafka provides a script to manage topics. It simple class TopicCommand.scala. As you can see it supports create, alert, list, describe and delete commands. Change numb...
Kafka python client There are two popular python client library: kafka-python and confluent-python-kafka. The former is a python translation of the official Java client. dpkp/kafka-python # How ...