Javascript -- Getting Started
ECMAScript standard ECMAScript 5 (EC5) came out in 2009 ECMAScript 6 (EC6) came out in 2015. Meanwhile, the committee decided to use year to version the standard, so EC6 is also called EC2015...
ECMAScript standard ECMAScript 5 (EC5) came out in 2009 ECMAScript 6 (EC6) came out in 2015. Meanwhile, the committee decided to use year to version the standard, so EC6 is also called EC2015...
Golang 1.7 has a DNS problem of resolving hosts like **.local. This is important in kubernetes. So a fix is raised and released in Golang 1.7.1. When testing goreplay, you should not port forward ...
As a newbie to Golang, I am quite impressed by the flexibility of global variables inside Golang. Below simple C program fails to compile. #include <stdio.h> int foo() { return 5; } int a = ...
After ssh-ing into a node, below is the processes that are relevant to kubelet. [ec2-user@ip-172-31-74-55 ~]$ ps -ef | grep kubelet root 3125 1 2 01:28 ? 00:00:08 /usr/bin/kubelet...
I learned a lot from Lan Lewis’s blog Almighty pause container and what are kubernetes pods anyway?. Basically, containers in a pod shared the same PID and NETWORK linux namespace, They are all chi...
cheet sheet As a infra engineer, it is better to remember the json paths of some frequently used properties. .spec.nodeName useful if you want to sort pods by nodes. Quickly get a workin...
I am setting up some webhooks using AWS Lambda these days. As you know Lambda functions can be deployed using a docker image. AWS provides a set of base images for various languages. I am curious ...
AWS load balancer controller An example ALB created by controller. The name comes from here The reconcile step is here. EC2 ...
Style and component libraries blueprintjs ant design Material-UI google style UI. Better for mobile. Not recommended for web. Bootstrap tailwind This blog post from the author i...
Best introduction: link Relay vs Apollo client Both are clients of graphql in React. Useful tools chrome plugin: GraphQL Network Inspector Apollo client URI Recently, I took a look at the...